Manufacturers and processors working in the wood industry have a lot of challenges. Not only do they need to meet the requirements of their customers, but they also need to meet the rigorous standards of the Environmental Protection Agency and other regulatory bodies. That’s why it’s essential for the wood industry to have bulk material processing and handling equipment that can live up to those standards. Meyer Industrial has provided high-quality equipment solutions for bulk material processing and handling for many years, including wood slide gates and more. In addition, our expertise has helped many of the biggest names in the wood industry. Our comprehensive solutions and complete knowledge make us one of the leading wood processing equipment manufacturers serving the industry today.

The durability of our wood handling equipment means manufacturers and processors can count on them to perform reliably under even the toughest conditions. They also save time and money because our solutions lead to reduced downtime compared to products from other providers.

We’re unmatched among wood processing equipment suppliers because of the exceptional depth of solutions Meyer Industrial provides. No other competitor can duplicate the range of wood bulk processing equipment solutions offered by Meyer Industrial. What’s more, we can provide our customers in the wood industry with virtually any type of solution for their bulk material handling needs.

Our products for use in wood machinery include:

Here are just a few examples of the many ways in which our equipment fits into wood processing equipment:

  • Wood chippers — Slide gates for wood chips help control the flow of these materials throughout production lines.
  • Commercial sanding machines — Our rotary airlock feeders can serve as collectors for the dust created by sanding operations.
  • Wood processing machines — Gravity diverters can direct product flow from a single source to multiple destinations, while blower packages can move chipped lumber before it is processed into pulp for paper production.


On top of our wood bulk processing equipment solutions, Meyer Industrial provides the industry with expert repair services for bulk material handling and processing equipment. Our skilled technicians deliver services that keep our customers’ wood handling equipment in service for as long as possible. Ultimately, reducing downtime significantly, boosting productivity, and ensuring their success.


The combination of expertise and experience that Meyer Industrial brings to the wood industry makes us a one-stop shop for everything the industry needs for bulk material handling and processing. Take a look at everything we can do for the wood industry, and learn more about how Meyer Industrial can help your business.